His Perspective: Kieran’s First Post

Okay so I am finally making my debut appearance on the blog (sorry Lauren, I had to get one football reference in here, right?) I have followed and read every article that Lauren has posted and to be honest, I couldn’t be prouder of her. She is an incredible writer and provides accurate and cute... Continue Reading →

Quit Giving Love a Bad Name

I'm about to call a lot of people out on their bullshit because I keep seeing the same old crap on my timeline. All I ever see anymore over social media are boys and girls complaining about the opposite sex and I'm tired of it. The last straw was reading an article today about how... Continue Reading →

The Truth About Love

Well, here we go. I’m going to deconstruct the idea that “dating” is forever ruined because of “these dang millennials” and their “tinder” and “emojis” and all that shit. First of all, don’t blame new technology and apps. The internet isn’t the issue here. Sure, it’s a huge issue when you take into account of... Continue Reading →

April Goals

Hiya everybody, it's the beginning of a new month and that means a whole new list of goals that I want to achieve! My March goals went AMAZINGLY! I achieved all three of them. I got into Richmond University which means that I start studying in London this fall! I got a new job (actually... Continue Reading →

LDR Withdrawals

The feeling before you see your sweetheart, the feeling as you're walking out the terminal gate, the feeling when you finally spot your long distance partner waiting to pick you up and take you home; these are the most exhilarating feelings I've ever felt. However, what about the feelings that come once you return home?... Continue Reading →

Everything I Ever Wanted

Do you ever just reflect on your life currently and realize that you are happier than you've ever been? It's one of the best feelings in the entire world since it took a lot of hard work to get to this point and finally all that work has paid off. I always work on keeping... Continue Reading →

March Goals

So February flew by and ended with me seeing my sweetheart in London. I am still currently there which is why my posts have completely stopped, but it's hard to write posts while completely giving all my attention to my honey. Anyway I wanted to post my monthly three goals for March before it gets... Continue Reading →

It’s Game Time!!

So I saw this adorable game from ldrdiariesblog (who has a lovely blog so if you haven't checked them out already make sure to do so) and I just thought it was so cute and it would be a fun thing to do on one of our nightly Facetimes. So Kieran and I set out... Continue Reading →

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