Who even has girl friends anyway?

The past couple months have been hard for me. My anxiety skyrocketed and I had to go on medication to keep it from taking over my life. Thankfully my University work did not suffer due to my mental state, but one thing did take a turn for the worst: my social life. My boyfriend is... Continue Reading →

Life is Hard Sometimes

Hello everyone, I know it's been a while since I last updated but my life has gotten so out of control lately I feel like I barely have time to breath. Recently my mental health hasn't been that great and to be honest neither has my physical health. I had pneumonia for three weeks and... Continue Reading →

Writing Process

Hello everyone, So if you don't know I've recently become really interested in the booktube community. Booktube is a community on Youtube in which people from all around the world come together and make videos to discuss all things books! My newfound interest in booktube stems from the fact I've become an avid reader, in... Continue Reading →

Christmas Shopping!

This year is my second year that I will be in London for the start of the Christmas season! Last year I skipped the gifts more or less because I didn't have time when I got back to America to go shopping. This year I'm trying to be more proactive and start ordering things online... Continue Reading →

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